Man Wearing Brown Suit Jacket Mocking on White Telephone

How to Stop Contact Form Spam on Your WordPress Site: A Comprehensive Guide

Is your “Contact Us” form being abused by spammers? Tired of sifting through endless spam messages in your WordPress site’s contact form submissions? You’re not alone. Many website owners face this frustrating issue, with some reporting that up to 75% of their contact form submissions are spam. In this guide, we’ll explore effective strategies to…

Woman With Text Projected on Her Face

Why Are Hackers Targeting My Site?

Or…why me??? WordPress sites have become prime targets for cybercriminals in recent years. As the most popular content management system, powering over 40% of websites globally, WordPress presents an enticing opportunity for malicious actors. Understanding why attackers bother with WordPress sites is critical for understanding how to defend against them. By examining the motivations and methods…